Hello everyone and welcome to Kitten’s Corner!
For those that don’t know me I go by Allison with a middle name of Kathryn hence the Kitten part of this substacks name. I am a transgender woman living in the hellhole that is Florida. I have not done any transitioning (yet) mainly because Florida makes me scared for my own safety and the safety of my family if I were to do it but also I don’t know if my body would handle any of the myriad things I would have to do to feel comfortable in it. You see I am also disabled and other than a long laundry list of invisible ailments the biggest one has been Kidney Cancer. I am currently going through my third fight with this horrible disease. So far I had to get my right Kidney removed, go through oral chemo twice, get radiation treatments and now we are trying Immunotherapy which I hope is working because right now any side effects are so minimal I can’t tell them apart from my usual aches and pains and weird things my body puts me through.
Before I came here to Substack I had a few places I used to call home on the net that you may or may not have run across depending on what circles you travel in. If you haven’t heard of them don’t worry though I won’t hold it against you. For over a decade I ran a site called Draxisweb. Under this sites banner, I wrote blogs that I linked to on a Facebook group I ran called “All Things Geek”. I also ran some self publishing and crafts under Draxisweb Productions, Draxis Crafts and Draxis Soaps (Yup I used to make homemade soap. At least until an outdoor “convention” had an ant problem and my soaps got swarmed. Who knew ants love the taste of homemade soap) Anyway I used to blog about a little of everything games, books, music, wrestling. If you thought it was geeky in any way I probably wrote a little something on it. When I got cancer I added a small health section and for a few years ran a sister site called Cancel Cancer. We went to some localish conventions traveling around the state. Mostly north and central Florida and sold the Graphic Novel I have made and the crafts I do. For crafting my main things have been Perler Bead characters, Card Decks for the Rainbow Deck magic trick, Chainmail dragons and dice bags, geeky rice filled hot/cold pads and my personal fave Dragon Eggs!
You may ask why I am afraid for my family here in Florida and why I call it a Hellhole and if it is a Hellhole why don’t I just move. Well this will most likely be covered later in some of my Kittens Rants blogs but I’ll touch lightly upon it here just so you can get a taste of where I’m coming from. It was several years ago that I realized I am trans. While I didn’t tell people anything till after Trump became prez I had basically figured it out during the Obama era of the US political landscape. So here’s the thing I am on my third marriage and it’s funny looking back on this and thinking “huh I can kinda see where I learned things about myself during each marriage.” See in marriage #1 I realized I was queer, more specifically pansexual. I have not experimented with this knowledge (almost did one night but didn’t not really) but I did learn that yeah I can find beauty and connection with basically anyone and it doesn’t matter their body type/gender. My attraction was based on what the person is like morally, intellectually and such like that. So then during my second marriage my wife knew that I was Pan but I also figured out that I just don’t always associate myself with being a guy.
A lot of the things I like were more girly and so I thought well I do like this but not that so maybe I’m Gender Fluid. I never told her that which was probably for the best as I still have no clue what even had her break up with me. Now I’m with the love of my life. A transman who has given me a child to be the parent of and during this whole adventure we both made the trans discovery about ourselves at about the same time. So as I said I figured things out during the Obama administration but I came out to my friends during the end of the Trump admin and even that was scary especially once we got towards election time. So many laws are trying to be passed by states against people like me who just want to be a different gender from the way we look. Gender Dysphoria is a horrible thing I have been chronically depressed by my own body in some degree or another my whole life it’s just recently that I now know why. But did you know in Florida (I don’t know if this became law or if this is just the FL Medical board recomendation) they say if you are seeing someone for depression they don’t want (or maybe won’t let you) transition? Yeah how insane is this “Doc I wanna kill myself because I can’t be me!”, “You’re right you’re miserable this way and I can see this. However I can’t help you get what can cure this depression because you have this depression. I hope you understand!”. Ummmm no we don’t, we really don’t.
So now here’s the other things that makes us afraid to come out. Trump. Not just his rhetoric (enshrining 2 genders into law blah blah blah) but look at what happened when he lost to Biden in 2020. In Jan 2021 we had fricken riots in DC with a crowd of insurgents saying they wanted to hang the VP and kill the democrats in the senate! So whats that got to do with things? Well Florida is a very conservative red state except for the bigger cities. I don’t live in a big city. Tons of people have guns around here. Even in the small normally sleepy town I live in we hear about shootings and hate crimes ALL THE TIME lately. Just down the street within eyeshot of our house is a person that is flying a flag ever since 2020 that says “F%$k Joe Biden! And F%$k you if you vote for him!”. So yeah I can imagine this guy being a gun owner with how Florida is, and with this flag I could see him gleefully storming the capital with those other treasonous asses who did it. This means if they saw me coming outside in a dress I could easily imagine getting shot and who wants that for their family? Or them making up fake crap to tell DCH and try to get our kid taken away. A lot of bad shit happens now a days.
So why don’t I just move to a sanctuary state like New Jersey or something. Well one word MONEY! Due to being disabled I don’t have the money to fix up my house much less move out of state. Also my parents help take care of my kiddo when I have doctors things and it would devastate my son (who is autistic) and devastate my parents iof they didn’t move with us as they would lose that contact with my son that they love more than I could ever explain.
So thats a small sample of me. It’s a bit where I’m coming from and so now where am I going with this. I want to bring back a small sample of Draxisweb and All Things Geek. I just couldn’t afford to keep it going on a paid server and the domain name and such. I mean it made me a whole $0 in 15 years since I was using it as just an entertainment blog for the most part. So I want that writing outlet back. You can find those things here for free. I will also be opening a paid subscription area on here.
I don’t know how the pricing plans on here work yet, but once I look into this there will be separate content. This separate content will be more like my old Kitten’s Rant blog I used to run on my old website. It’s behind that paywall you’ll find my thoughts on various LGBTQIA+ issues. You see my reactions to things in the news like Imane Khalif and the olympics, how religion affects different groups and other things like that. These will be more personal feeling posts and always on more sensitive subjects which is why you’ll have to drop a couple dollars to see them. I imagine my views could garner a lot of hate especially from the right and so if you really give a shit about what I have to say on it then I’m gonna ask for a small payment to make it where I hopefully won’t have hateful trolls just reading this and spamming me with hate mail. I mean I do my writing as a source of therapy to help with depression and the last thing I need is for some MAGA nutjob to be telling me to f-off and die because I decide to give my thinking on some boxer at the Olympics and the things that poor woman has had to face.
Anyway I’ll let you all go so I can work on my first geeky blog that will be about a small issue I have with the video game The First Descendant and how I think this problem could have all been avoided and helped make a better balanced game right from the start.
So until then have a safe and happy day and love you all,
Your Kitten,